Health Psychology Associates
Providing Psychology and Integrative Mental Health Services
throughout Southern California for over 25 years.

Our Specialties

In addition to the full gamut of traditional psychological services, we are developing an Integrative Medicine/Mental Health component and have thus expanded our practice to include the following specialties:

Forensic Neuropsychological Evaluation

Heart Math Feedback Modalities

Inpatient & Outpatient Biofeedback

Neuropsychological Evaluation of Older Children & Adolescents

Treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorders (with various modalities, including EMDR)

Integrative Medicine Services:
Cognitive Rehab & Enhancement
Labyrinth Work

We also intend to add various services and practitioners as appropriate and needed. These will include at least the following services that we have had in the past, along with various other approaches that we feel are of value and in accord with the development of the group:


Meditation Classes & Cognitive Development Services

Therapeutic Massage


Welcome to Health Psychology Associates (HPA).

We are an independent Mental Health Group in Southern California, with offices in Torrance and Long Beach. Our group consists of psychologists with various specialties, as well as biofeedback technicians and support staff. We have been providing services in the region for over 25 years. We offer inpatient and outpatient services for all age ranges and most areas of evaluation and intervention.

Our mission is to treat each person as a whole being. We believe that learning to integrate how we live is essential to heal, change, and grow. Practically speaking, this means guiding heart, mind and body to work together, rather than being controlled by our fears or judgments. Our initial goal is to assist each person in finding effective means to relieve symptoms, then, if they’re willing and desire it, to explore ways to move beyond symptoms, learn how to live increasingly in the present, and create deeper and more enduring happiness and acceptance of self and others. We utilize both traditional psychotherapeutic approaches and integrative mental health techniques (including meditation and dreamwork) if and when appropriate.

At HPA, we work with a number of psychiatrists, neurologists and cardiologists, as well as internists and other medical specialists. We keep in close contact with our referral sources for mutual feedback on progress. We offer individual, couples and family counseling, forensic and neuropsychological assessments and medication management. We are experienced in dealing with a wide range of physical and psychological disorders, and we are accustomed to using a multitude of approaches to help attain healthy bodies, minds and spirits.

HPA was founded by Dr. Terrance W. Dushenko, Ph.D., to provide a wide range of services, through an integrative approach to mental health care. To read more about Dr. Dushenko and the rest of our staff, visit our Meet Our Staff page.

Feel free to browse our website to learn more about us and our psychological programs. To schedule an appointment or conduct a free telephone interview with one of us regarding our services, simply call our team today and take the first step towards your personal growth, healing, or evaluations process. We pride ourselves on providing the best therapeutic assistance available and conducting the most thorough and professional evaluations warranted for each situation and individual or family.

To listen to a recent radio interview on marital therapy with Dr. Dushenko CLICK HERE.

We look forward to hearing from you soon!